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Skapat 2019-02-03 av Anonym.
100 år sedan fredsdiktatet i Versailles

Det så kallade fredsfördraget i Versailles 1919 gick ut på att krossa Tyskland eller skada landet så mycket som möjligt, när man nu inte lyckades med den saken under kriget. Ingen historiker har heller kunnat påvisa att skulden för krigsutbrottet låg hos Tyskland. Bland politiker och regenter som styrde Europa 1914 fanns ingen längtan efter krig, konstaterar historikern Peter Englund. Inte ett enda skott hade avlossats mellan krigförande parter på tyskt område. Den tyska armén var obesegrad. De tyska representanternas undertecknande av detta ”fredsavtal” skedde under tvång. England hade försatt Tyskland i blockad samtidigt som förhandlingarna pågick i Versailles från 18 januari till 28 juni 1919 där tyskarna praktiskt taget var utestängda från deltagande. På grund av denna blockad utbröt svält som krävde nära en miljon tyska dödsoffer innan blockaden avbröts i juli 1919. Av dessa skäl var det i själva verket frågan om ett fredsdiktat. Orsaken till att Tyskland gav upp striden var att man ville få slut på dödandet av Europas ungdomar. Därför hade Tyskland egentligen vunnit den moraliska segern i detta helt onödiga krig, som bland annat hade som mål att krossa en uppseglande handelskonkurrent till det brittiska imperiet. Under alla år mellan 1870 och 1914 hade Tyskland gjort allt för att undvika krig. De skyldiga anstiftarna till kriget stod att finna hos en inflytelserik grupp, ”The Secret Society”, knuten till dåvarande finanseliten i London och samma män medverkade i nu Versailles. Ledande företrädare i nämnda grupp av ”vita maktmänniskor” var Alfred Milner, 1854-1925 och Nathaniel Rothschild, 1840-1915.

Redan efter två års förödande krig, 1916, hade tyskarna vunnit. England hade endast proviant och ammunition för en veckas strider, i Frankrike gjorde soldaterna myteri och den ryska armén hade fallit samman. Då, i november 1916, erbjöd Tyskland England fred utan villkor eller gränsändringar från 1914. Trots alla de miljontals offer kriget redan krävt var man från Englands sida inte pigga på att ge upp kriget och erkänna sig besegrade. I det läget vände sig sionisterna till bankiren Rothschild i London med ett erbjudande till den brittiska regeringen. ”Vi kan hjälpa er att vinna kriget om ni ger oss löfte om Palestina som ett judiskt hemland.” Palestina tillhörde vid den tidpunkten det Osmanska riket, som var allierat med Tyskland. Britterna accepterade erbjudandet, trots att de inte hade rätt att lova bort land som tillhörde ett annat land. På så vis kom Balfourdeklarationen till stånd 1917. Sionisterna fick samma år med USA i kriget på Englands sida.

Svar på inlägg

#1. Publicerat 2019-02-03 av Anonym

Kriget förlängdes med två år och krävde ytterligare miljontals unga mäns liv. Om dessa händelser berättade en högt uppsatt sionist som hoppat av, Benjamin Freedman, som var med i Versailles, i ett berömt radiotal till amerikanska folket 1961.

Huvudsaklig källa:

#2. Publicerat 2019-02-03 av Anonym
lär knappast köpa den boken, men inte för att jag menar att det inte ligger något i misstankar och anklagelser mot finanseliten och specifikt bankfamiljerna Rotchild och Rockefellers. Illuminati och "hemilga" samfund som bilderberg, freemasons osv. Faktum är att jag funnit att Jesus Kristus varnar för dem genom flertalet samtida profeter, och ska dela med mig av några citat i nästa post av mig i den här tråden. Jo, Jesus har även nämnt Hitler och krigen ett gäng gånger som jag snappat upp, och jag kan upplysa om att ingen av de Ord som jag funnit indikerar att Hitler försvarade sig rättfärdigt men däremot att han ska ha varit en Djävulsdyrkare.

dessutom så ligger intervjun som du verkar syfta på gratis att lyssna på online. står 1961 förvisso men antar att det är samma. det är olika längd på youtube-klippen så jag börjar med det korta.

googlesökning; Benjamin Freedman, Versailles
#3. Publicerat 2019-02-04 av Anonym
Årtalet för radiotalet är nu rättat. Tack!
#4. Publicerat 2019-02-04 av Anonym
what it means to call oneself a true Christian and not be trapped by the harmful and demonic influences that freemasonry, embedded in posts of high command, has set about sending to My People so that they are more liberal in every respect and renounce the Gift of conscience that dictates to them what is right and what is not right.

O you want to know what the Freemasons are nowadays? Then just look at the present ceremonial of the ChristianChurch. Look, it stands only for appearance, and this is also the case with the present Freemasons. Their emphasis is on empty ceremonies and phrases. They only pretend to help mankind, for although they have had kings and emperors and other eminent personages as their members, you can see from the behavior of the same how far the rights of mankind had been their paramount concern. What I once said to the Essenes, namely that they should do nothing secretly, but should do everything openly, should also be said to these present Freemasons. Their principle is: The human rights of equality. All are supposed to be “brothers”. Indeed, this is what they were and are. But only in the Lodge proper: outside of it all equality ceases and the king is again king and the impecunious compared to him a nonentity, since he is only used as a means to an end. Do you know what freemasonry should actually be?
#5. Publicerat 2019-02-04 av Anonym
HERREN Jesus Kristus sade: "You have made quite a few people, over at Mountain View Air Force Base, 'irritated' - but only by the Truth. Because their systems are going to crash - and they don't know when - but I do; and, their billion dollar computers - worth of technology, will be of 'no avail' to them - because they need electricity, in order to work. And they forget, how 'fragile', they really are - to 'the natural elements' around them. The illuminati, One World Government, are, 'crumbling' just as you have said, My son; and they don't know how to sustain themselves. Because Truly, they are being 'killed off' by RADIATION [referring to Fukushima radiation] - because they are not protected, especially the older ones. And after the illuminati die off, there will be No one to replace them. Because their secret society, is so 'secret', that they do their best to keep it, to themselves; but the Truth is, My children, they are all 'old men', waiting to die. How old are the Rockefellers? - and the Rothschild’s? Do your research, and you will find out. Do you think that they've shared 'their world vision', with their family members? If they have, 'only a very few'. In other words, My children, the illuminati 'elite', are coming to The End, of their time here on Earth. Death awaits them, and it is NOT going to be 'a pleasant afterlife' for any of them."

Everyone will believe that the greater good is being done and certain leaders in My Churches will be admired in all corners of the Earth. Very few will argue about their intentions, but when you see the world’s largest banks join them in their efforts, you will know then that this is an act designed to deceive you. How cunning is the beast. How clever his actions seem to be, because they will be sugar coated with a form of deceit, which only those blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit will be able to discern. And during all the talk about the common good of man, the desire to bring all religions together to form one large communion of people – not one word will be uttered about My Teaching that God’s children must remain firm to My Holy Word.

The top elite are trying to kill and maim all of My children. Love, God the Father.
#6. Publicerat 2019-02-04 av Anonym
Jesus Kristus;

Do you think: there are many ‘religious leaders’ in Heaven, My children? I tell you, there are ‘not many’ – because they sought to be ‘the gate’, and pretended to open people, to ‘a false kingdom – of heaven’; where the rewards – that would be given, would be materialism, and sensualism.

Do you think Ghandi, is in Heaven My children, or Buddha? How about Krishna – did he lead many souls, to the Kingdom of Heaven? What about: Mohammad? – is he here with Me?

I tell you: Hitler, would have had ‘a better chance’ to be here with Me, in ‘the hour, of his death’, than all of these ‘religious leaders’ from the past. Unless they die, to their own “religions”… I can not open, ‘the door’ For I am ‘the door’; I am ‘the gate’; and I am ‘the narrow way’!

There is ‘no other way’, but through Me. And out of My Great Mercy and ‘love for souls’, I tell them: the Truth – so that they may live. But unless they die, to their own “religions”, and ‘live for Me’, and Me alone – from this moment forward, then I can not open, ‘the door, to the Kingdom of Heaven’.

For souls at this time: what they need, is Truth! They need ‘sackcloth and ashes’. They need to do, what I ask from them, in order to have life.

https:// testimonyofthetwowitnesses. com/121108.php

mer frimurargrejjer;

The reign in the House of Peter will be short and soon My Beloved Pope Benedict will guide God’s children from his place of exile. Peter, My Apostle, the founder of My Church on earth, will guide him in the last difficult days, as My Church fights for its Life.

The New One World Currency, which will be presented to an incredulous community, is designed to control you. Then once that happens they will try to deprive you of food. Unless My children accept this reality now they will be defenceless when they are under the control of a New World Order, led by masonic forces.

The wars, which Satan’s masonic orders create, are becoming plentiful and the largest group of all will mastermind control of the Middle East through massacre.

In Europe they will mastermind the introduction of a new one world currency to make slaves of them.

Those in political positions, who control the availability of abortion, will be the first to be punished. Await now as you will see how they will suffer for the atrocities which they condone before Me. Those groups, who plot the demise of the world’s population through abortion, will die in agony by My Hand.
Justice will be served on them finally, as I will no longer allow them to inflict such wickedness on My children. Their arrogant claims, that they are acting in human interest, will be silenced, for they have
snömannen säger: Ja så är de Sommarsol! :) Dom är helt enkelt som en sommarsol! :)
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