Rosie säger: Hej! Stå upp och var ljus! Låt Herren lysa genom dig! Ta ditt kors varje dag, i ödmjukhet och gudsfruktan! I kärlek: Rosie
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Skapat 2019-01-20 av Anonym.
Guds Ord är min försvarare!
jag heter Martin!

och här har vi HERREN JESUS KRISTUS som (i princip?) försvarar en som heter Martin mot eventuella läsare som tar illa åt sig av vad denna Martin säger.

Jesus Kristus: "In case one or the other poetically or philosophically inclined reader should take offense at some of Martin's talk as sounding too earthly, filthy and profane, let him realize that 'where there is a cadaver, the eagles flock together.' The human spirit is the same in his misery, be it on earth or in the beyond; only when purified will he also talk like a pure spirit.

mycket intressant bok förresten, jag har inte läst hela än.

Svar på inlägg

#1. Publicerat 2019-01-20 av Anonym
jag heter Martin!

och här har vi HERREN JESUS KRISTUS som (i princip?) försvarar en som heter Martin mot eventuella läsare som tar illa åt sig av vad denna Martin säger.

Jesus Kristus: "In case one or the other poetically or philosophically inclined reader should take offense at some of Martin's talk as sounding too earthly, filthy and profane, let him realize that 'where there is a cadaver, the eagles flock together.' The human spirit is the same in his misery, be it on earth or in the beyond; only when purified will he also talk like a pure spirit.

mycket intressant bok förresten, jag har inte läst hela än.
Ja jag får en känsla av att du nu tar över forumet, trådar avslutas och du spammar vidare.

Nu går jag också, men kikar in då och då för att se om det finns utrymme att fortsätta deltagandet här.
Möjligen i en tråd där dina spamm inte svämmar över tråden.
#2. Publicerat 2019-01-20 av Anonym
det får väl räknas som bonus isf.

men åter till Guds Ord:

13. Robert turns to Me in his heart, saying: “Oh my most holy, truest and best Father, forgive me if I was perhaps too harsh towards these Viennese friends! For You see how, within me, I only meant them the best, wanting through my sharp words only to save them the most sorry judgement of hell. Because an ever-so-sharp reprimand is, I think, incalculably milder than the minutest spark of infernal judgement! And so I thundered away with all my might to these brethren, devoid of every higher education, with everything I had, seeming to bring about a quite visible effect with some of them! 14. “Oh Father, bless my words within them! Perhaps they may still effect what I secretly wanted to bring about!” 15. Say I: “My dear friend, brother and now, son. I say unto you: ‘you said not a word more or less than I Myself laid into your heart!’ Because what you said I thought and willed in your heart. Wherefore you need in no way reproach yourself as if you had, out of yourself, been too harsh with these people, who lack all spiritual life-education. Hence be of good cheer! 16. “For behold, spirits who are already leaning over the abyss about to fall have to be powerfully seized and snatched back, this being the only way to a better way outside hell. 17. “You will soon be persuaded of the good effect of your thunderous sermon! All of them shall of course be evasive, presenting themselves better than they are. But it will be fine if even the majority reform; the minor part shall then be forced to fall in line with time, not finding a way out. 18. “But let us give them a little rest and so let them ferment. When sufficiently leavened, as the wine must be on Earth before being moved to the distiller’s vat for winning the wine spirit – then we shall put them in the vat, under which the mighty fire of our love shall burn. Then it shall be easy to separate their true spiritual from their terrestrial. Meanwhile to something else.”
#3. Publicerat 2019-01-20 av Anonym
Ja jag får en känsla av att du nu tar över forumet, trådar avslutas och du spammar vidare.

Nu går jag också, men kikar in då och då för att se om det finns utrymme att fortsätta deltagandet här.
Möjligen i en tråd där dina spamm inte svämmar över tråden.
Vi har visat vad det är för typ av inlägg han gör och var han hämtar allt ifrån. Det är skumma webbsidor med ännu skummare profetior.
Jag tror inte att det är någon som läser någonting längre, eftersom det blir så otroligt oseriöst. Och så obibliskt.
Vi är inte intresserade av villoläror om helvetet och vi tillber inte katolikernas avgud Maria. Allt är spiritistiskt, alltså inte rätt Ande inblandad.
Men det är synd att blanda in Jesus Kristus i allt, eftersom det inte kan vara den riktiga Kristus. Den riktiga Kristus har fridens evangelium. "Guds-barn" delar ofridens evangelium från ställen där friden inte finns, utan bara katolsk propaganda och avgudar. Bara rädslor, lagiskhet och helvetes-predikningar.
Vi får be.
#4. Publicerat 2019-01-20 av Anonym
det får väl räknas som bonus isf.

men åter till Guds Ord:

13. Robert turns to Me in his heart, saying: “Oh my most holy, truest and best Father, forgive me if I was perhaps too harsh towards these Viennese friends! For You see how, within me, I only meant them the best, wanting through my sharp words only to save them the most sorry judgement of hell. Because an ever-so-sharp reprimand is, I think, incalculably milder than the minutest spark of infernal judgement! And so I thundered away with all my might to these brethren, devoid of every higher education, with everything I had, seeming to bring about a quite visible effect with some of them! 14. “Oh Father, bless my words within them! Perhaps they may still effect what I secretly wanted to bring about!” 15. Say I: “My dear friend, brother and now, son. I say unto you: ‘you said not a word more or less than I Myself laid into your heart!’ Because what you said I thought and willed in your heart. Wherefore you need in no way reproach yourself as if you had, out of yourself, been too harsh with these people, who lack all spiritual life-education. Hence be of good cheer! 16. “For behold, spirits who are already leaning over the abyss about to fall have to be powerfully seized and snatched back, this being the only way to a better way outside hell. 17. “You will soon be persuaded of the good effect of your thunderous sermon! All of them shall of course be evasive, presenting themselves better than they are. But it will be fine if even the majority reform; the minor part shall then be forced to fall in line with time, not finding a way out. 18. “But let us give them a little rest and so let them ferment. When sufficiently leavened, as the wine must be on Earth before being moved to the distiller’s vat for winning the wine spirit – then we shall put them in the vat, under which the mighty fire of our love shall burn. Then it shall be easy to separate their true spiritual from their terrestrial. Meanwhile to something else.”
#5. Publicerat 2019-01-20 av Anonym
“My children of light, remember fear can be a tool of the devil. So you must understand all who are of well spirit shall have nothing to fear. The Eternal Father is at the helm. He will guide you, My children, through turbulent seas. Trust and confidence.”
~Jesus, December 7, 1978

Detta ska MARIA HA SAGT:

"Satanists gather force in your country. You will find
these satanists who belong to the church of satan in a tight
control. They are peoples coming from the highest walks of
life and the lowest, so many have they gathered within your
country, the United States of America.

"My children, do not succumb to those blandishments of others who try to take you from the truth by saying that I give you words of fear and destruction. I give you no words of fear, but words of truth and salvation!

"As I told you in the past, My children, your world has been given now to Lucifer. He knows that his time is growing short. He goes about now as a ravaging wolf seeking to gather all to take with him to the abyss. No one shall go into hell unless of his and her own free will.

"As I told you in the past, My children, your world has
been given now to Lucifer. He knows that his time is growing
short. He goes about now as a ravaging wolf seeking to gather
all to take with him to the abyss. No one shall go into hell
unless of his and her own free will.

"My children, do not allow the enemies to give you a vision
of utopia without suffering. My children, do not allow the
enemies to take from you the knowledge of the existence of
Heaven, hell, and purgatory. Your children are the major,
#6. Publicerat 2019-01-20 av Anonym
Du behöver tagga ner, gode man.
"If your mind is boxed in by a Religious spirit that has predefined the meaning
of Scripture and its limitations, you will not recognize these references as they tie together. Nothing I did in Scripture. NOTHING. Was done for no reason at all, or left to coincidence. Everything ties in to a deeper meaning.” "And so many things have not been discovered yet. In Revelation "She gave birth to a son,
a male child, who ‘will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.’ And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne." "If your mind is boxed in by a Religious spirit that has predefined the meaning of Scripture and its limitations, you will not recognize these references as they tie together. Nothing I did in Scripture. NOTHING. Was done for no reason at all, or left to coincidence. Everything ties in to a deeper meaning.” "And so many things have not been discovered yet. In Revelation "She gave birth to a son, a male child, who ‘will rule all the
nations with an iron scepter.’ And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne."

Jesus continued, “Clare, if you look at Genesis again, did it not say that I will greatly increase, severely increase your pains at childbirth? That infers that there was some pain, but not anything like what you or other women go through to bring forth your children. This is why I told you: you must read very carefully and not skim over the little details, because they will be keys to understanding the mysteries that are revealed in Scripture.
#7. Publicerat 2019-01-20 av Anonym

The Book of Revelation was given to all My children to help them understand the turmoil which will be caused towards the end times, by the spread of lies, created by Satan and his demons. Unless you understand the Truth contained in the Book of Revelation, then how can you possibly understand the Messages I Am bringing to you today?

Do you think that I would turn My Back on you and leave you at the mercy of Satan and his evil army? Did you not realise that I would try to warn you and then help you?

(btw, Jesus Kristus har visst varnat för en invastion av Sverige genom flertalet samtida profeter!)
#8. Publicerat 2019-01-20 av Anonym
Guds-barn: Är du betalande medlem så du kan läsa brev i din inkorg?
#9. Publicerat 2019-01-20 av Anonym
Guds-barn: Är du betalande medlem så du kan läsa brev i din inkorg?
nej men du kan nå mig på
#10. Publicerat 2019-01-20 av Anonym
nej men du kan nå mig på
Skickade till din inkorg på KD, men då tar jag det här med:

Du verkar vara väldigt direkt och dessutom utan filter i en del du skriver. Tydlig är bra, men plump är en annan sak.

Jag vill ge dig ett råd, i välmening: Du behöver tagga ner. Du frågade i en tråd om fler har blivit avstängda från forum. Det är just sådant här som gör det; att du är nedlåtande mot andra, skriker/ropar med versaler och fetstil i tråd efter tråd, kommer med hårda omdömen som du påstår är Guds Ord, fast det är helt utombibliskt. Du tar över forumet och är aggressiv i tonen och uttalar dig nedsättande och förminskade om kristna i allmänhet och en del kvinnor i synnerhet. Det är inte efter Guds hjärta. Du behöver backa lite och slappna av. Tänka på liknelsen om flisan och bjälken t.ex. De kvinnor du avspisat är fina kristna kvinnor som har mycket bra att säga. Man måste kunna uppföra sig bland folk och det gör du inte när du håller på och rumsterar om som du gör på forumet.

Ta inte människors påhittade profetior som om de vore jämlika med Bibeln. Du leder människor fel då. Det vill du säkert inte. Enbart Bibeln är Guds Ord - resten är av människor; utläggningar, tolkningar, traditioner, regler, legender, kloka ord o.s.v.

Så många falska profetior jag hört i mina dar, jag vet att det är svårt att veta vad som är äkta och vad som är människors tankar. Därför måste man pröva allt mot Bibeln (inte verser där man kan trycka in vad som helst nästan, utan verser som talar om det specifika man prövar). Och det kräver ödmjukhet och lyhördhet. Och tid.

Jag har mina brister med. Det vet Gud och en del här. Jag vill bara vänligt uppmana dig att ta några steg bakåt och inte ta över forumet med alla hårda texter av självutnämnda profeter o.s.v.

Med välmenande hälsningar
Rosie säger: Hej! Stå upp och var ljus! Låt Herren lysa genom dig! Ta ditt kors varje dag, i ödmjukhet och gudsfruktan! I kärlek: Rosie
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