snömannen säger: Ja så är de Sommarsol! :) Dom är helt enkelt som en sommarsol! :)
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Forum > Kärlek och relationer > Diskussion

Skapat 2019-01-20 av Anonym.
sexuell synd - PÅ ETT KRISTET FORUM?

(Clare) Forgive me, Lord.

(Jesus) “You are forgiven. Just take Me very seriously. You know how you feel when people do not take you seriously. So please, take Me ever so seriously.”

“What you have shared about Lust is totally overlooked in this culture, because you’re supposed to be sinning in the summertime — that’s what it’s gauged for. Lust and an increase in carnal appetites.”

“An occasion of sin should be called an occasion of disaster, because it affects so many aspects of your life and walk when you allow yourself to fall into it. It sets back the timeline on blessings and opportunities I had planned for you.”

“Because you were engaged in this sin, valuable people in your life suffered deeply and you may have even lost the good wife or husband that I had prepared for you. On the heels of that, you marry the wrong person, have children with them and find out 10 years later it all was a big mistake. Now you suffer with a broken home and children who are permanently scarred by rejection.”

“Oh, My People, make no mistake. LUST has very serious, long-range consequences. Sin rots away at your integrity, your purpose in life, all the promotions you were denied—and I am not talking about money. And worst of all, the children you love are alienated and compromised, coming into the world looking for a replacement for their mothers and their fathers. And they repeat the cycle of sin.”

“Now, some of you will listen to Me; others will ignore this warning that you are headed, not only for disaster, but very possibly Hell—because this sin has mastered you and robbed you of all you could have been. Don’t you see? I am not a ‘mean’, chastising God! I am loving, forgiving, and merciful. Warning you that you will ruin many lives by selfishly ignoring My commandments and going your own head-strong way.”

“And what coincides with these testings and corrections is the need for prayers and graces to be released on behalf of your government and citizens of America who have been blinded by the mainstream media. Blinded eyes are about to be opened, and your sufferings are being applied to this cause as you discover the things in your lives that have blocked My graces and resulted in various illnesses and suffering.”

“I want to heal you, My people. Walk justly before Me and refuse compromise at every turn. Many of you who have fallen, if not all, have been set up by the enemy using your weak points to entrap you. But I am throwing you the rope of Grace to climb out of your pits.”

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#1. Publicerat 2019-01-20 av Anonym

#2. Publicerat 2019-01-20 av Anonym
snömannen säger: Ja så är de Sommarsol! :) Dom är helt enkelt som en sommarsol! :)
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