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Skapat 2019-01-18 av Anonym.
den förbannade televisionen
gissa vad Jesus Kristus sagt om detta sattyg från helvetet?


“Television, is the enemy, of My children; but those who would engage, in viewing such acts of violence and sexual promiscuity, and lewdness – revel in the viewing of it. Those who condone the television – can never be My friends; as long as that satanic altar is set up in their hearts, there is no room for Me. I am not referring to people who watch a few hours here and there, of what would be called ‘wholesome shows’; but those who make television their 'god', to exclude Me from their lives altogether – these are the ‘worldly people’, and they go to Church on Sundays; and you will be seeing and witnessing what happens to people, when they make television first and foremost, at the center of their lives – that icy cold box of hell; and those who authentically seek to worship Me.” (-Jesus, Saturday October 16, 2010) https://www.testimonyofthetwowitnesses.com/101016.php

God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven said: [- to all those OUTSIDE the Faithful Remnant...]...Because you have ‘turned away from Me’ – the Lord; your God! You ‘stumble in the darkness’ – all of you! – because none of you, have, ‘the light’. You spurn My Two Witnesses; as you ‘spurn My Son Jesus’. You spurn the Life I offer to your souls – through – ‘forgiveness of your sins’. But what is the ‘other part’? Do I ‘just forgive you’, and then you ‘continue on’ – in offending Me?! Why do you have ‘a television’ in your home? ‘It’ is ‘wickedness’! And can only make you go ‘deeper into hellfire’. Learn My Ways once again you foolish people!! Turn back, from ‘following the ways of man’; and learn from My Son Jesus! Learn! – about what We are ‘asking you to do’! You all worship ‘Baals’ and ‘false idols’! Your hearts have ‘grown cold’ and you ‘suppress the truth’! So what am I to do with you?! https://testimonyofthetwowitnesses.com/"The-Institution".php

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#1. Publicerat 2019-01-18 av Anonym
Get ready! The ‘abomination of desolation’, now stands, in all of the places, that once, were “Holy Ground”. Get ready! Prepare your hearts. Make amends with Me and your neighbor, for I am coming soon, to call ‘My Bride’, to safety. Now, is the time, to turn away, from all iniquity and sin, and embrace the True Church – the One True Holy and Catholic Faith – the One, True Holy and Catholic, God. Yes, I did say “Catholic”, for it means: “Universal”, and I want ‘all people’ to be part, of this ‘Universal Church’, My True Church under My Representative, and My True Pope – the one I have chosen. Not the one who is elected, by the cardinals. Not the one that they want nor the one, that they were expecting. No. This is: My beloved son in whom I am well pleased. https://testimonyofthetwowitnesses.com/120327.php

"Parents, I ask you now to get rid of the infernal machines in your homes! I warned you through many earth-years that this will be a point of destruction for your children. If you, at least--I ask at least, which is the least you can do, is to monitor what your children are seeing. Satan has created the infernal tube. Heaven did not deem it to be in the homes of the just. http://www.smwa.org/Message/Text/1990_1995/91_18_06.htm

The world looks the same. People seem the same. The world of television, with its rose-Jesuscomfortertinted appeal, seems the same. People bury their heads in the sand. They think that the world will continue as it is. Sadly, they are mistaken. https://fatherofloveandmercy.wordpress.com/2010/11/30/quest-for-wealth/

"Many are allowed to be blinded as penance to them, for they must find their way out of the darkness that they have allowed themselves to fall into. Pray; pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Take yourselves from those diabolical machines that you cast your eyes on daily." Veronica--Oh, Our Lady means the television. Our Lady--"Yes, My child, they have been created by satan to seduce your minds. Remove them from your homes, for many of your children will be seduced by them and be forever lost to the Kingdom of Heaven. "Know, My child, there is no reconciling the truth. There is no meeting it halfway. Avoid all occasion of sin and you will not have to suffer for going off the trail, the road. http://www.smwa.org/Message/Text/1974/74_28_09.htm
#2. Publicerat 2019-01-18 av Anonym
CHILDREN TAUGHT TO KILL BY TELEVISION "My parents of the world, I say unto you, as your God: This will not be tolerated much longer. For if you parents will not raise your children in the light, you will raise them in darkness, and they will eventually rise up and even kill you. There are many satanic institutions throughout the world now that are waiting for your children. Are you going to allow them to fall into their hands because you are too busy elsewhere to watch your children? Are you turning them over to the satanic tube, the television? Yes, My children, they are learning to kill by the television. They are learning disrespect for the parents. They laugh at you when you are not watching. That, My children of the world—parents, your children are to be lost." Veronica—Now I see a picture forming in the sky. It shows a terrible scene on a television. It shows a young child butchering a cat. The child watching this goes to the kitchen, takes out a large bread knife, and—oh, my God! He's plunging it into the back of his mother! Now the scene is becoming very dark; I don't see anything else. It's ghastly! Jesus—"That, My child, is what is happening now throughout the world. The children are taken over by satan through this instrument of satan. Much good could be gained if many will monitor their television sets, for their children's minds are being seduced by satan. I repeat again: Your own children will rise up against you and destroy your household. Murders are abounding. "And also, I say at this time, My children, I will not tolerate much longer the infamous actions of some of My representatives upon earth. Yes, My child and My children, much has happened that has saddened the hearts of all in Heaven. We watch, and We ask you to pray for your brethren, to pray for your priests upon earth, for they, too, are human and are susceptible to attacks from satan.
#3. Publicerat 2019-01-18 av Anonym
TV TO BRAINWASH "I admonish you about this diabolical machine, the television, for you may consider it as a mechanical agent of satan now, but in the future, My child, it will be used to brainwash your children into submission to evil. All manners of evil and degradation will be portrayed on this diabolical machine. Remove them from among you! They will expound the pleasures of the flesh and the degenerateness of your generation. "All parents will hold the greatest measure of responsibility for the salvation of their children's souls. Keep your sacramentals upon you. You will be hounded, you will be rejected, you will be scorned, you will be called insane--only because you are in the light! "My child, you will be sent to the tribunals. However, you will not submit to the judgment of mankind upon your mental stability, for it is the will of satan that they will follow. "Know, My child, that your country is in grave error, and is falling into great sin. And when your morality has gone and has changed to immorality, know that your country has fallen! For it is the path that all that fall to the enemies of God lead. Recognize why you have fallen--because of the simple truth that you have turned from your Creator! "Remember the sacramentals. They were given to you for reason. Once you leave your homes--your homes are fortified by your statues, monuments to your God, but when your children close the doors behind them, they meet with satan. They will pass the test if they receive a firm foundation of truth from their homes and their pastors, teachers who are truly in the light. "I ask, My child, that all parents give themselves to reading the Book of life and love to their children, be it in the morning or afternoon, or a small measure of their evening free time. You will find that it is not a dull source of reading as many think. It is a Book of true wisdom and knowledge. "Yes, My child, graces are given in abundance from these hallowed grounds. Many years ago, My child, We sent unto you a teacher." http://www.smwa.org/Message/Text/1980_1989/89_18_03.htm
#4. Publicerat 2019-01-18 av Anonym
Filmkanaler och Hollywood gör sitt bästa för att hjärntvätta oss. Mycket överlåtelse till Baphomet finns i Hollywood, och många säljer faktiskt sin själ för ära, pengar och framgång.
Det finns en agenda och den finns när det gäller att nå både barn och vuxna. Barnprogrammen har mer och mer ockulta inslag och handlingar och sedan ökar det, men det börjar redan i tidig ålder.
Går man in på en filmstreamingkanal idag så slår ett andligt mörker emot en, påtagligt. Jämför man filmerna bara för något/några år sedan med idag så ser man en stor förändring, för det går ganska fort.
Den som vill jämföra kan prova.
Idag finns en majoritet av dessa kategorier:
Filmer med djävulska inslag och handlingar, där djävulen och demoner och ondska är huvudingredienser,
filmer med paranormala handlingar där levande döda, utomjordiska och övernaturliga onda krafter är med,
filmer med lemlästning, lustmord, splatter, massakrar, med närbilder och som huvudingredienser,
filmer med homosexualitet och hbtq som normalia,
filmer med häxor, magiker, trollkarlar som onda eller t.o.m. "goda" krafter,
filmer där otrohet, begärelser, otukt på olika sätt förskönas och ska väcka begär och vinklas som givande,
filmer där sex i närbild är mer normalt än undantag,
och så givetvis porren som blir värre och mer våldsbejakande och pervers än någonsin.

Inom spelvärlden är det förstås liknande miljöer, så var rädda om era barn och hjälp och skydda dem genom att säga ifrån, vägra köpa detta och ge dem bättre alternativ istället. Vi får stå till svars för hur vi förvaltar vårt pund och vårt föräldraskap.
Jag har själv sett ungdomar som bett om hjälp och känt och fattat att det är demoniska krafter de håller på med, och de har inte lyckats bryta detta och komma ur det själva. Barnen ska inte avtrubbas utan skyddas!
#5. Publicerat 2019-01-18 av Anonym
Tror ni inte att det är så illa, eller så medvetet?

Se denna från Youtube, angående våra "stjärnor":

"Hollywood unmasked" (2nd edition)

Se denna från Youtube, angående musikindustrins "idoler":

"Illuminati & The music industry" (Part 1 & 2)
#6. Publicerat 2019-01-18 av Anonym
Här går man snabbt och tydligt igenom 53 st. stora idoler, artister, band och filmstjärnor.
(Delarna följer efter varandra.)

"Celebrities who sold their souls and channel spirits" - Part 1-6
#7. Publicerat 2019-01-18 av Anonym
Delar detta från en annan tråd som jag gjorde i januari 2018. Hör till trådens ämne.

Ockultism in i vardagsrummet

Har valt ut några mycket intressanta filmer från Youtube, som tar upp detta. Där finns massor av fakta.

"The Disney Deception" - Sheila Zilinsky
Om Walt Disney, hans budskap i filmerna och hans bakgrund och religion.

"Harry Potter exposed" - Goodfight Ministries.
Kort om J.K. Rowlings, filmerna och böckerna.

#8. Publicerat 2019-01-18 av Anonym
"Under the spell of Harry Potter" - The Prophecy Club
Föreläsning i 3 delar av Stephen Dollins, f.d. high priest satanist, som berättar ingående om allt i och kring böckerna, budskapen och symbolerna. Delar med sig av sina egna erfarenheter.
Delarna kommer efter varandra i uppspelningen.

"The occult in your livingroom" - The Prophecy Club Del 1
Föreläsning i 2 delar av Stephen Dollins. Denna föreläsning tar upp det sådant som många barn leker med, spelar och tittar på, t.ex. Pokemon och andra figurer och teman. Vad ligger bakom och vad förmedlas?

"The occult in your livingroom" - Del 2
#9. Publicerat 2019-01-18 av Anonym
tack för att du delar med dig av youtube-klipp Ljus och Salt.

här är några till:
#10. Publicerat 2019-01-18 av Anonym

testade en av dina länkar och youtube påstod att den är borttagen men den fanns på andra kanaler på youtube.

1 timme långt (från the prophecy club )



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