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Skapat 2023-11-18 av Anonym.
Finns mycket att djupdyka I om man vill...
"In this captivating video, we delve into the origins of European peoples according to the Sacred Scriptures. Join us as we explore the genealogies and ancestral lineages mentioned in the Book of Genesis to uncover the biblical roots of the white population in Europe. Discover the fascinating connections between biblical characters and various European nations, including the Greeks, Germans, Slavs, Italians, and more. Gain insights into the linguistic, historical, and cultural aspects that link these peoples to their ancient ancestors. "

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#1. Publicerat 2023-11-18 av Anonym
Finns mycket att djupdyka I om man vill...
"In this captivating video, we delve into the origins of European peoples according to the Sacred Scriptures. Join us as we explore the genealogies and ancestral lineages mentioned in the Book of Genesis to uncover the biblical roots of the white population in Europe. Discover the fascinating connections between biblical characters and various European nations, including the Greeks, Germans, Slavs, Italians, and more. Gain insights into the linguistic, historical, and cultural aspects that link these peoples to their ancient ancestors. "
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